Ports of Stockholm receives PERS certification

Ports of Stockholm is now certified through the EcoPorts’ environmental management standard (PERS), an environmental standard that exists specifically for ports.
Ports of Stockholm first became a member of the EcoPorts network in 2012, and is now certified for the first time under the PERS. The certificate was handed over during the ESPO* General Assembly, on 6 November 2024.
– This certification proves our commitment to sustainability and shows that we are taking firm steps toward a greener future. The implementation of PERS has been an important step forward for us. The EcoPorts tools, with the Self Diagnosis Method (SDM) and PERS, have been very helpful in increasing cooperation and environmental awareness within our port, says Simone Cajander, responsible for the certification at Ports of Stockholm.
*ESPO, The European Sea Ports Organisation