Värtahamnen port

Värtahamnen is one of the largest port areas in Stockholm and serves ferry traffic to Helsinki and Tallinn.
Quay facts
The Värta Pier
510: Length 90 m, charted depth 7.8 m.
Service quay.
511: Length 265 m, charted depth 9.9 m.
Movable RoRo ramp, width 26 m.
See detailed map of Värtahamnen 511 (pdf)
512: Length 230 m, charted depth 11.0 m.
Movable RoRo ramp, width 29 m.
513: Length 250 m, charted depth 9.0 m.
Movable RoRo ramp, width 29 m.
514: Length 255 m, charted depth 7.7 m.
Movable RoRo ramp, width 29 m.
515: Length 255 m, charted depth 7.6 m.
Movable RoRo ramp, width 29 m.
See detailed map of Värtahamnen 515 (pdf)
NB: Charted depth is indicated by reference level RH2000/Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000.
See also §8 in the Port Regulations.